Archive for December 2016

RAY CARDWELL, “Tennessee Moon,” Pinecastle. 12 tracks

December 5, 2016


Ray Cardwell, like many musicians, has had two careers in music.

One before the children came along and he needed a steady income.

And one after they were grown.

In the late 1970s, he performed with The Cardwell Family bluegrass band.

In the 1980s, he moved into rock and reggae.

In 1994, he became a member of New Tradition, a bluegrass/gospel group.

And then, Cardwell went home to Missouri to raise a family and become a vocal and instrumental music teacher.

Now, he’s back in bluegrass with his new “Tennessee Moon” album on Pinecastle Records.

It features some powerful picking and singing with a blend of blues, a capella gospel and bluegrass.

Cardwell wrote nine of the 12 tracks — including the title track, which is the album’s first single.

The album opens with  “His Will,” a hard-charging gospel number.

“Open Your Eyes” is a ballad about a man who feels like the woman he loves is already gone, even though she’s still by his side.

“Sailin’ for Glory” and “New Jerusalem” are uptempo a capella gospel numbers that really shine.

“Cedar Creek Pickaway” is about a favorite place to listen to live music.

“Sing It To The World” says it’s time to stop hating and start loving your neighbors.

“Think About Me” finds the singer heartbroken because he fears the woman he loves is leaving.

Guests include John Cowan, Claire Lynch and Ronnie Bowman.

A strong album.

Look for it in stores on Jan. 13 or pre-order it now at